Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kern Ride Day 2 - Sherman Pass to Rincon Loop

Day 2 of The Mag 5 Minus 2: Headed up the Kern River to hit higher elevations in search of new trails and black dirt.

The Cowboy estimated that we crossed no less than 75 downed trees on a 25 mile trail ride through Sherman Pass up to Shaffer Meadow to Stony Meadow and down Cedar Canyon Trail, then finishing on Rincon Trail.

Downed trees, snow, mud, deep stream crossings, and a couple of bears.

The trip crescendo was the creek crossing at Cedar Cyn/Rincon junction. Heavy snow melt caused the main line to be impassible: creek was far too deep and flow was way too fast. We hiked up stream about 30 feet and luckily found a spot to carry the bikes across. All three of us in chest deep water carrying the bikes one by one. On the first attempt Booher slipped, went completely submerged, and almost took the bike and all three of us down river. After lots of yelling and some lather we got all three bikes across. We were soaked, but the bikes unscathed. 6 miles on the serpentine Rincon led us back to the truck.

Mag 5 Slogan = It's not a good trail ride unless there's at least some fear of not making it back.

With numerous snow drifts, and under, around, over so many trees, there were several times at least two of us said let's turn around, but never all three. We are so glad that we never let the majority rule, as it was a truly awesome trail ride... "A Stone Groove My Man."

Mag 5 Slogan = The Mag5 never quits, unless it's time to quit.

A river runs through it... next to it.

Wet dirt, single track, big meadows, big pay off, worth every tree crossing.

25 miles , felt like 50.

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