Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's Fantastic

This trail is not officially on any map, some have said it's called "Mud Hen", but that's lame and since it connects to "Just Outstanding" we call it "It's Fantastic"...because it is.

Video by MCdesigner111

I love to Keysvilling

No way to put it other than "Just Outstanding".

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fucket Hurts - Thumb Nail

CRF450R Rear Sprocket guillotine. Ala Tigert I almost sheared the top of my thumb off between the rear sprocket and swing arm unloading my bike from the trailer on Friday night.

Spent the next 3 hour at the Kernville ER with Dr. Kevorkian discussing what I thought he should do with my thumb. Options discussed were; nothing, stitches or amputation. Resist seeking medical attention in Lake Isabella area, although they are generous with the drugs. Got 8 vicadin out of the deal.

I did ride on Saturday, but with diminished clutch work.


Keyesville Freight Train

Nice left side dismount at 03:33
Video by MCDesigner111

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Catalina Gran Prix Returns in 2010

It's true, the Catalina Island Grand Prix returns December 4th and 5th, 2010.
Approved by the Avalon City Council as an effort to improve tourism in the off-season.

From the 1954 Event Program:
"From all aspects, the Catalina Grand Prix is a truly democratic race program, as benefits our national government and our own American way of life."

Dirt Bike Racing + Catalina = American Way of Life? Amen.

Hope to be there to twist the grip and let 'er rip!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Little mid-week Scarwest action.

Apparently I'm a pretty big deal in Japan. I noticed an unusual amount of plays on these vids and my Youtube profile led me to this: http://www.dirnupo.org/?p=7398