Monday, February 28, 2011

Baja 2012

Yes I witnessed multiple drug gangland shootouts, rode on nothing but whooped out fireroads, got food sickness four times a day, had my scooter stolen twice within an hour, got ripped off at every hotel and taco stand, got a bad case of clamato in Ensenada and had no fun at all....

Coyote Cals youth hostel $20/night breakfast included. View sucked though.
Mt Diablo at 10K feet from El Diablo dry lake bed 50 feet.
Laguna Hanson in the Parque Nacional de Constitucion de 1857. Dirtbikes welcome.
Sea of cortez. Bombing along at about sixty with the tires dipping the sea never gets old. Knocked out about 40 seaside miles before we headed back into the hills.

All BS aside, after about 15 trips the locals get nicer and the riding just keeps getting better. Its like 7000 square miles of Keyesville with better tacos and cheaper Modelo. (No offense to the cowboy or Douggie...) Get your passports now and pencil in 3rd weekend of Feb2012.
