Blue skies, green grass, black dirt.

As Ed said, track was in burrito supreme condition. It was obvious Gustavo did a lot of work. "Yimmy" was in Mexico with his new girlfriend. Cheers.

Lots of sand added to key sections.

Travis hitting the new freestyle jump. I told him "I'm out", then he said, "you gotta do it while you're still young," so I did. Didn't quite lay it as flat as T.Marks.

Other comments: Ed was flyin, Tyler coming to terms with the 450 clearing the big table-step-down, Potter pressured/passed me per usual, consensus on San Jose-Aaron is faster on his 450 than his Service Honda CR500, Tigert maybe the fastest guy on the track when not picking himself up off the ground, Rich "this Husky doesn't work in the sand" Schauwecker, I had moments of feeling like my old self interspersed with serious episodes of whiskey throttle ... Yee haw! Mag 5 well represented, but missed the spice of Dougo, Dax, Booher, et al.

Photo creds: Tigert, JunkoIkari
Tony Schroeder following Tyler