We showed up at Freddy's this weekend thinking this was the ride at his ranch. (Since all I was told was "the first weekend in April"). To our chagrin we were greeted by a locked gate, a dried out track, and not a soul around. Felt like an April Fools joke. Apparently to San Diegans (San Diegoans?) the first weekend in April means the second weekend of April. We salvaged the day by going to "The Ranch" (Formerly Rynoland). It's super fun, with a bunch of different tracks and super mellow vibe. Even has a fun single track loop that we hit at the end of the day.
Tyler bustin' out the classic "Pool Shooter" move.

Dano's best attempt at a whip.

Ed scrubbing up the Stairway to Heaven

Dano on the stairway.

Ed throwin' roost

Dan & Ed battle

Booher's return to Motocross.

B. Snider with a classic cross up

Matt-John lookin pretty good these days on an MX track

Tyler berm shot

Tyler absolutely burying Dano in Roost!

This is the "1980's Track". Which consisted of lots of off cambers, drop away jumps, a few small tables, and grins for everyone.

View of the main track. Good rolling layout, a couple technical sections, but overall fun.
I'd give it an A-.

Claro que si, es Modelo.

Ed styled the Mag 5 out with 5 pounds of carne asada tacos.
"Another perfect day."
First video is Dan following Ed on main track, 2nd video is Dan following Tyler on the 1980's track.