Twas a MAGnificent day at another "once in a lifetime" opportunity that only arises a few times a year. This time Dano hooked it up with an invite-only invitation to ride the latest and greatest private track in SoCal "Old Chaney Ranch". The ride day was limited to 100 people, however, no need for limits as there were only around 30-40 people. We all know Moto-ers typically rest longer than they ride, combine that with the track being incredibly long and you have what seems like a private track to yourself all day (unless your name is Jason Ingersoll, Mike Colvin, or Eric Wolfe, then you race each other until you are satisfied with the amount of dirt in your stache).
Like I said, the track is really long but in a good way. I was running about a 3:40-3:50 lap, but I'm a slow guy. The first 3/4 lap is pretty high speed with lots of fun yet safe table tops and plenty of elevation change. The last 1/4 lap has a few strange jumps that are super low speed launchers that shoot you straight up (reminds me of the 3 jumps along the parking lot at Doc Huss' track except shorter and steeper). The track held up well and never got too dusty or dry thanks to a few ranch-hands on the track with hoses ALL DAY.
I think it's safe to say we have the "in" now. Ed (the owner) is planning on doing a couple of these type of rides per month. The $40 fee is sorta steep and the drive is extra far but if it's definitely worth it to go once a month (the dude rolls around the pits in his Ranger with a pot of hot coffee for anyone who so desires!). He also has a pretty awesome campground setup with a full on bathroom with showers and whatnot. He mentioned that the day before the rides they do skeet shooting over his man-made fishing pond. I didn't ask, but nearly everyone there (including us) enjoyed a post ride brew so I assume the sauce is legal.
Here is some helmet cam, I slowed the video down so you could see the track clearly....not.
Is that a 450 I hear underneath Tyler's legs?
About time right?
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