Panic Rev, Potter, Portabello, Will Lytle, Rob Lytle, Roy from Roy and Special, special Ed made the trip. It was really good peeps. Will take me a month to process all the awesomness of awesome. It was so good I could cry. 2011 is already on me mind.

Potter and Special taking in the view.

Who is that down thier mustering up the courage to climb the pita hill? El Prezidente?-No Da Furer?-Nin Hey POOHER? Nope! Its none other than "Panic Rev" Marc Booher. Once the inner deamons were excised, he cleaned it.

Three amigos in the aspen grove. This turned out to be the "B" plan for day 2. Best trail of the weekend. We GP raced it on the way back down. Quality stuff!

Portabello showing the right way to do it. As usual.

Panic Rev, being way over optimistic. We didnt make it 1/4 mile up the "erzberg-good luck" trail. (It said that on the trail marker!)

We go for the top! Unless we get tired from the altitude.

We hardley scratched the surface of all the trails. But the ones we did scratch, we demolished!